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8 Ways To Prevent Colic In Horses 

April 5, 2022

If you’ve spent any amount of time near horses, you’re likely familiar with colic. Colic is one of the most dangerous medical conditions horses can develop. There are several different types of colic, and several potential causes. However, while nothing can provide 100% protection, there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of Silver colicing. A Porters Lake, NS vet lists some key ones below.

Dental Care

Dental problems can keep your horse from chewing his grain properly, which can cause gastrointestinal issues, including colic. Be sure to have Silver’s teeth checked and floated regularly.

Feed Properly

First and foremost, make sure that your equine buddy is eating a proper diet. This varies horse by horse, so consult with your vet. Be sure to make any changes slowly.


Just like people, horses need proper activity in order to stay healthy. Even if you don’t ride Silver very often, he should be turned out regularly.

Clean Water

Did you know that dirty buckets can contribute to colic? Scrub those buckets daily!


Soil/pasture quality can also play a role. If your paddocks or pastures are sandy, put Silver’s hay and grain in racks, buckets, or troughs. You can also put rubber mats below feeding stations. That can reduce the amount of sand your horse lips up as he’s eating those precious dropped bits.

Parasite Control

A good deworming/parasite control regimen is crucial. Parasites can definitely contribute to colic! It’s also important to keep stalls clean and remove manure from paddocks and fields.

Cool Down

Always cool down after a workout. (That one applies to both people and horses.) Be sure to walk Silver after riding him, and don’t put him back in his stall until he’s cooled off.

Know The Warning Signs

It’s also important to know what to look for. If Silver does develop colic, acting quickly could save his life! Some red flags include reduced appetite, agitation, restlessness, rolling, nipping at the flanks, excessive or unexplained sweating, getting up and down, and stiff posture. Your horse may not drink as much water as he should. Undigested grain in his manure is also a warning sign. In general, any sign that your horse isn’t feeling like himself should warrant a closer examination.

Are you looking for a great equine veterinarian? Contact us, your Porters Lake, NS animal hospital!