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dog with white fur smiling at camera

Do Lunch With Your Dog Day

Today may be one of Fido’s favorite doggy holidays: it’s Do Lunch With Your Dog Day! Quite a few restaurants and cafes welcome our canine companions … of course, with the caveat that the pups are friendly and well-behaved. A…

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Crazy Cat Lady Day

April 19th is Crazy Cat Lady Day! We probably don’t have to explain this one too much … or do we? The crazy cat lady myths may go back further than you expect! The Myth As you may know, cats…

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Why Is My Dog’s Paw Pad Swollen?

If you notice that your dog’s paw pads are swollen, it could be a sign of something serious. But before you panic and rush your pup to the vet, it’s important to determine if there is an underlying medical problem…

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National Catio Day

March 15th is National Catio Day! This is one holiday we know our feline patients would approve of. (Granted, Fluffy may show her appreciation in some rather odd ways, but that’s another topic.) As you may know, we always advise…

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